Monday, September 10, 2018

THAT’S DIFFERENT BECAUSE SHUT UP: Flashback: Obama prosecuted staff leakers, gave lie-detector test…

Instapundit  Blog Archive--THAT’S DIFFERENT BECAUSE SHUT UP: 
Flashback: Obama prosecuted staff leakers, gave lie-detector tests, ‘paranoid.’
Image result for Obama prosecuted staff leakers"Should President Trump need a model to use to track down leakers inside his administration like the “anonymous” insider who challenged his authority in a New York Times op-ed, he need go no further back than the Obama administration that prosecuted leakers and shutout the media.

...Criticism of Obama’s attacks on the media and leakers did not just come in tweets and TV appearances by journalists but in an official report from the Committee to Protect Journalists, authored by former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr.

“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said David E. Sanger, veteran chief Washington correspondent of The New York Times, in the report.

USA Today said of the report, it “portrays an administration gripped by strict policies about information flow and paranoid about leaks across all executive branch departments.”

Image result for trump press freedom memeIt detailed prosecutions and even the use of lie-detectors on staffers. Some have encouraged Trump to use lie-detector tests on his staff, something he has so far ignored....
When a Democrat does it, it’s a sad mistake in judgment. 
When a Republican does, it’s HITLER HITLER HITLER!!!!---Posted by Glenn Reynolds

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