Thursday, September 06, 2018

The In-N-Out Burger Boycott Shows that Under Socialism, Those Who Don’t Obey Won’t Eat

See the source imageThe In-N-Out Burger Boycott Shows that Under Socialism, Those Who Don’t Obey Won’t Eat
"Last week, Eric Bauman, the chair of the California Democratic Party, called for a boycott of the popular California hamburger chain In-N-Out Burger.
What was In-N-Out Burger’s crime? 
Los Angeles Magazine reported that the burger chain had contributed to the Republican Party.
Bauman tweeted a link to the story about the contribution and called the chain “creeps:”
Et tu In-N-Out? Tens of thousands of dollars donated to the California Republican Party… it’s time to #BoycottInNOut—let Trump and his cronies support these creeps… perhaps animal style!
...It is hard to interpret the call for a boycott of In-and-Out as anything but a sign of California’s further descent into totalitarianism. 
Those who don’t support the ruling political regime will have their economic livelihood threatened.
Current events and history warn us: 
A political party demanding loyalty to the party as a condition for doing business is a terrible path to go down.
...Food has already been used as a political weapon in Venezuela. 
...Immediately upon obtaining power in 1933, Hitler began to eliminate any opponents, not just Jews. 
In his book, The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, Professor Thomas Childers covers the 1933 “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” which “led to the immediate dismissal of all ‘non-Aryans’ from state-subsidized theaters, orchestras, museums, schools, and research institutions.” 
...Hitler’s goal? 
Opposition in any segment of society was to be eliminated. Childers continues..."
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