Wednesday, September 05, 2018

The same politicians and outlets mourning Sen. John McCain's death previously lambasted him. Bush and Obama supporters both attacked him viciously.

Opinion: Op-Ed and Commentary -
"Hypocrisy, they say, is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.  
If so, then much tribute was paid this weekend.
I am speaking, of course, of the funeral for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and the concomitant speechifying by politicians and pundits.  
...McCain's funeral puts hypocrisy on display
...As someone said on Twitter, they came not to praise McCain, but to bury Trump. 
See the source image
And yet, despite solemn encomia to civility, honor, and integrity from the likes of Barack Obama and Henry Kissinger, amplified by the press’s Greek chorus, the notion that we used to live in some golden age of civility and bipartisanship exemplified by the career of Sen. McCain is belied by, among other things, the career of John McCain.
Now that he’s dead, McCain is a Good Republican. 
But when he was alive, and a threat to other people’s power, he was treated as a racist, a warmonger, and potentially unstable. 
He was vilified by the press, and by some of the very politicians who were speaking on his behalf. 
...What’s all this about?  
It’s certainly not about civility, or decency, or bipartisanship.  
As David French wrote: “The contrast between the outpouring of love for McCain in his last days and the astonishing vitriol directed at him in 2000 and 2008 demonstrates once again how disingenuous, low, and cheap American politics were well before Trump came on the scene.”
And at this point, I suspect the voters are onto the game."
Read all.

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