Thursday, September 06, 2018

Three Texas Doctors: We Saw Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing On Line To Enter | Video | RealClearPolitics

Three Texas Doctors: We Saw Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing On Line To Enter | Video | RealClearPolitics
"Author and commentator Adam W. Schindler interviews three Texas doctors who traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
While waiting on line, they say they witnessed protesters being paid in cash to cause trouble in the hearing and in the public line to get in, Tuesday on Capitol Hill...
ADAM W. SCHINDLER: We are here in the line for the public tickets at the Supreme Court hearing in Washington D.C.... day one... there has been a little bit of chaos here, some interesting things were going on on the line... These are not random protests, and we've got some eyewitnesses here to tell you what happened in line this morning in D.C... Read all!

I have to admit, I am skeptical. How do we know she didn't just buy tickets or a t-shirt? How is this "proof" of anything?
Good question. The pic itself does not prove anything. The context does. And the eye witnesses.

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