"Being “hoisted by his own petard” means the bomb maker gets blown up and lifted sky high by his own explosive device.

Determined to save locally endangered salmon populations, they and the State of California have long demanded and imposed water use reductions by Central Valley farmers.
But now the California Water Resources Board wants further water use reductions – and this time those reductions will also hit city residences, schools and businesses, and hit them hard: a hefty portion of 98 billion to 220 billion gallons less water per year!
Imagine how many baths, showers, laundry and dishwasher loads, and other “essentials” that would mean.
But those rules and reductions were supposed to apply only to OTHER people, the once ultra-green urbanites are wailing.
We must all sacrifice for the environment
But I meant you – not me!
We’re supposed to be exempt from rules we inflict on others..."
Read on.
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