Friday, September 07, 2018

What Do Serial Killers and the Left Have in Common?The American Spectator

What Do Serial Killers and the Left Have in Common?The American Spectator:

Image result for Power FistWatching the incessant virtue signaling by the Democrats about protecting the Constitution during the opening of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing reminded me of the time Hannibal Lecter teamed up with the FBI agent who arrested him to stop another serial killer. In other words, it wasn’t sincere. You see, the same Democratic Party that today has taken up the mantle of defending America’s hallowed republican institutions is the same party of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and anti-America radical Saul Alinsky.
Fact is, the last two years of “resistance” has had little to do with upholding morality or fighting for what the Left believes in. Whatever it may believe in, the Left’s pursuit of raw power — its long march through the institutions — has always been its primary goal. Thus, everything that has transpired over the last two years — from the endless public loathing of Trump to the efforts to delegitimize Trump’s presidency with baseless claims of “Russia collusion” — is because the Democratic Party’s collective ego has been wounded.

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