Saturday, October 06, 2018

9 farm attacks including 4 farm murders in 6 days in South Africa | South Africa Today

9 farm attacks including 4 farm murders in 6 days in South Africa | South Africa Today
"There have been nine farm attacks including four farm murders in last six days in South Africa. 
And the South African President Cyril Ramaphosa still denies that these tragedies exist. 
In the last attack which took place in Wellington in the Western Cape a farmers knees were broken with a crowbar as he was brutally assaulted and tortured in front of his children all of whom are under 10 years of age. 
In this incident the farmer’s wife was also stabbed in the chest and hands leaving the family traumatised.
The statistics were tweeted by Ian Cameron of AfriForum
South Africa Today – South Africa News
In this video by Renaldo Gouws he looks at the outlandish statement by the South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa on international media, that farm murders and more specifically that white farm murders and the farm attacks are not taking place in South Africa. While it is also important to expose and discuss the high murder … Continue reading.."

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