Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh's hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come

Brett Kavanaugh's hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come
"...Witness how the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh started as cheap theater and ended in bloodsport. 
The process by which we elevate someone to the highest court in the land sunk to the lowest common denominator — and didn’t stop.
And now the national disaster will be aided by more time and a fresh supply of dynamite.
Friday’s agreement to give the FBI a week to supplement its background check by looking into existing misconduct allegations against Kavanaughguarantees the nightmare will continue, especially for him and his battered family. 
You don’t have to be a cynic to assume the rabid left will come up with more outlandish accusations in an effort to make up in quantity what it lacks in quality.
See the source image...Dems and their media handmaidens were quick to praise Flake for his “bipartisanship,” a term they ­reserve for when a Republican crosses over to pass liberal initiatives. 
But the favor is rarely returned, and there is no Democrat equivalent to Flake or Susan Collins of Maine. 
Even when more centrist Dems vote with Republicans, they never supply the crucial votes, joining only as add-ons to a majority.
...The midterm elections will be the first referendum on President Trump since his shocking triumph in 2016. 
He’s not on the ballot, but his personality and policies are very much at issue as voters decide who controls Congress. 
The hunt for an edge will go right up to Election Day, and no trick will be too dirty, especially for Democrats..."
Read on.

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