Saturday, October 06, 2018

Communism sympathizers post numbers, jobs of pro-Kavanaugh protesters

Communism sympathizers post numbers, jobs of pro-Kavanaugh protesters
  • A communism-sympathizing Texas group released personal information of pro-Kavanaugh protesters, at least a couple of whom had their posters stolen and destroyed.
  • The Autonomous Student Network posted emails, phone numbers, and jobs held by the protesters.
  • UT-Austin is examining the incident "for potential criminal violations."

  • Communism sympathizers at the University of Texas-Austin posted on Wednesday the phone numbers, emails, jobs, and other information linked to members of the (YCT) Young Conservatives of Texas at the University of Texas-Austin, who demonstrated in support of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
    The Autonomous Student Network in Austin, Texas (ASN), whose website encourages "anarchy" and "communism," posted the information in a Twitter thread that linked to a blog entitled "THE YCT: NOT JUST RACISTS, BUT RAPE APOLOGISTS TOO!"
“We encourage people to use these to wage campaigns and ensure there are repercussions for the actions they took yesterday."    

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