"DePauw University is forcing its students to attend left-leaning sessions with topics including “white fragility” and “constructions of masculinity” in order to retain “Gold Commitment” status, which provides free classes and career opportunities for graduates.

These services are available to students as long as they are able to achieve and retain their Gold status throughout their undergraduate years...
...Virtually all of the sessions appear to be left-leaning and focused on a subjective view of social justice or political activism.
Some of the sessions include titles such as:
- Unpacking and Interrogating Constructions of Masculinity
- Living, Supporting, and Learning about DePauw’s LGBTQ+ Community
- Faculty/Staff Campus Climate Survey Discussion
- White Fragility Article Discussion
- Communities Against Islamophobia
- Self Care and Healing: A Critical Practice for Social Justice Change Agents
- Accomplices for Change: Recognizing Racist Dynamics and White Cultural Practices in Daily Campus Life
- Supporting Marginalized Groups: Strategies to enhance support of marginalized groups at predominately white institutions
- Redefined: trans*gen*der*com*mu*ni*ty
- What it means to be white
- Religion, Sexualities and Gender Identities: Living and Engaging at the Intersections
“How can this be a day of dialogue and inclusion if there are no conservative ideas mentioned?
This is not inclusion if it leaves out a group,” said one student, who chose to remain anonymous..."
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