Friday, October 12, 2018

European Court to Decide if Islamic Sharia Law Can Override a Nation's Civil Law | CBN News

European Court to Decide if Islamic Sharia Law Can Override a Nation's Civil Law | CBN News: "Can Islamic religious sharia law override a country's domestic law in Europe? 
See the source imageThat's a question the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights is weighing.
...Christian Concern, a non-profit organization based in London, intervened in the case "because of the importance of the case in European law and its implications for countries across Europe, including the UK," according to a news release from the organization.
...Dieppe said an estimated 85 sharia courts are already operating in the UK.

  • "The use of Sharia has led to the promotion of parallel societies within the United Kingdom," he told CBN News in a statement. "Sharia itself has disproportionately (a)ffected women and gives no legal rights to non-Muslims."
  • "The United Kingdom has also become the European hub for Islamic finance," he continued..."

The case, Molla Sali v. Greece, deals with a dispute over an inheritance. 
After her husband died, Sali inherited his entire estate under his will written according to Greek law.
However, two sisters of the husband say sharia law should govern how the inheritance is divvied up because the man was a member of the Muslim community in Thrace, and the mufti should oversee that process. 
A mufti is a Muslim legal expert in religious law.
...Rulings handed down by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights cannot be appealed. 
The Court is expected to issue its decision in the next few months."
Read on!

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