Sunday, October 14, 2018

Everything You Know About State Education Rankings Is Wrong -

Everything You Know About State Education Rankings Is Wrong -
"You probably think you know which states have the best and worst education systems in the country.
See the source imageIf you regularly dip into rankings such as those published by U.S. News and World Report, you likely believe schools in the Northeast and Upper Midwest are thriving while schools in the Deep South lag. 
It's an understandable conclusion to draw from those ubiquitous "Best Schools!" lists.
It's also wrong.
The general consensus on education, retold every few news cycles, is that fiscally conservative states are populated by cheapskates.
In those necks of the woods, people are too ignorant to vote in favor of helping their illiterate and innumerate children.
Intelligent people understand that high taxes and generous pensions for public school teachers are the recipe for an efficient and smoothly functioning education system.
If skinflint voters would just lighten up, the story goes, they too could become erudite and sophisticated.
...That's a shame.
The time is ripe to re-evaluate education policy in this country. After all, minds and dollars are terrible things to waste."
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