Saturday, October 13, 2018

Facebook Cleans House - Purges Several Top Conservative Pages FOUR WEEKS BEFORE ELECTION

Facebook Cleans House - Purges Several Top Conservative Pages FOUR WEEKS BEFORE ELECTION
"On Thursday Facbeook announced the company took action on 559 Pages and 251 accounts that violated their “spam” and coordinated “inauthentic behavior” policies.
Facebook said most of those affected were political pages....

And now, several hours later, we are hearing that most of the purged political pages were on the right.

Facebook purged several conservative sites just four weeks before the election and without warning.
Facebook took down Right Wing News – a conservative page with over 3 million followers.
Brian Kolfage at Right Wing News reported:
I have been managing the Right Wing News Facebook page, and have been involved with the brand for many years.
And just today, Facebook took down our Facebook page, cutting off all contact we had with the millions of people who signed up to follow us, the millions of people who liked what we were sharing online.
I took over managing the page when John Hawkins decided to step aside to pursue other endeavors. John and I have a great relationship and I was honored to have the torch passed down to me. We had a coveted, verified blue check mark 3.5 Million fans, and I invested over $300,000 in ads at Facebook’s own request, nearly begging us to spend spend spend just to reach our fans … whom they kept making more difficult to reach with every passing year.

...No one from Facebook has reached out to any of these Facebook page owners to discuss their concerns..."

Read all!

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