Monday, October 01, 2018

Germany’s Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure | Watts Up With That?

Germany’s Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure | Watts Up With That?
"EU climate alarmist champion Germany has its Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure with enormous costs
An audit of the EU’s leading climate alarmism energy policy program concludes that Germany’s Energiewende is a colossal and hugely expensive debacle.
“Germany’s Federal Audit Office has accused the federal government of having largely failed to manage the transformation of Germany’s energy systems.”
...Germany would miss its targets for both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy consumption as well as for increasing energy productivity and the share of renewable energy in transport. 
At the same time, policy makers had burdened the nation with enormous costs.”
The audit further concluded that the program is a monumental bureaucratic nightmare where “The Federal Government, incidentally, does not have an overall grasp of the costs or any transparency in this respect.”...
...Germany’s electricity rate have skyrocketed to the highest levels in the EU largely driven by the Energiewende debacle.
As is always the case the climate alarmist renewable energy advocacy main stream media in both the U.S. and  Europe will do everything possible to conceal this disastrous policy debacle from public view.
Read all!

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