Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Head Lice Epidemics Are Breaking Out in Schools Across the U.S. | Intellectual Takeout

See the source imageHead Lice Epidemics Are Breaking Out in Schools Across the U.S. | Intellectual Takeout:
"Head lice in children are rampant in schools throughout the country.
The CDC reports that an estimated six to 12 million young people get head lice each year, and there are indications that these itchy bugs are growing widely resistant to the insecticides commonly used to treat them.
A head lice outbreak earlier this month in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, school district was called “unprecedented,” as 100 children were found to have active lice infestations.
While head lice are nothing new and affect children regardless of socioeconomic status or geography, the recent uptick in lice outbreaks could be due in large part to new policy changes that encourage children to attend school with active head lice..."
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