Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Help Stop Vote Fraud!

See the source imageWe are still in the process of recruiting Republican poll challengers (description below) in Muskegon County. 
Volunteers need to participate in one webinar prior to Election Day. 
Below is the information to participate. 
Also, could you have all willing volunteers call me to confirm their precinct and shift?  
Call Carly at (517) 243-9152 to confirm you volunteer location.

Every Tue and Thu!
  • TUESDAY at 6 PM
Webinar Link:
Call-in Line: 1.646.876.9923
Meeting ID: 294835168#

  • THURSDAY at 7 PM

Call-in Line: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 829 449 353
Carly Nelson
Michigan Republican Party
Regional Field Director
(517) 243-9152

Please feel free to copy/pass this around.…/volunteerpaid-positio…
We know the democrats cheated in the last election.
And they expected an easy win.
This time it's different and the "full-court press" is gonna be out.

Muskegon elections have been relatively fraud free but Nov. 6 may be different.
I believe the best way to help our quest for a fraud-free election is to work the front lines on election day.
And it will put us in a position to observe, report and (hopefully) STOP any irregularities.
• F and I will be working as "Election Inspectors" (the poll workers at each voting precinct) in the City of Muskegon. It is an all-day, paid job. 2 hour training is required and date/time will be announced soon. Expect late Oct. I will alert you when we get info. See below.
• A less time intensive alternative, Election Day Poll Challenger (info below), is an easy way to help. 2-6 hours on election day. Training is a webinar every Tue. and Thu.
Message me with questions--Jim Riley

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