Wednesday, October 03, 2018

History for October 3

See the source image
History for October 3 -
Thomas Wolf 1900, Gore Vidal 1925, Chubby Checker 1941
Image result for Thomas Wolfe QuotesSee the source imageImage result for Chubby Checker

Tommy Lee 1961 Musician (Motley Crue), Gwen Stefani (No Doubt) 1969, Neve Campbell 1973
Image result for Tommy LeeImage result for Gwen StefaniImage result for Neve Campbell Scream

1893 - The motor-driven vacuum cleaner was patented by J.S. Thurman.
Image result for motor-driven vacuum cleaner was patented by J.S. Thurman.

1954 - "Father Knows Best" began airing on CBS-TV.
Image result for 1954 - "Father Knows Best"

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