Monday, October 01, 2018

Inside the Beltway: Kavanaugh drama: Buckle up, pay attention - Washington Times

Inside the Beltway: Kavanaugh drama: Buckle up, pay attention - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images fbi building in dc“In the criminal justice system, the FBI investigates by not only gathering information but evaluating it, making judgments about the credibility of witnesses or the truth of what they say, pursuing leads, and offering conclusions or even recommendations. In other words, they figure out what really happened. In the confirmation process, the FBI gathers information and stops there. The Senate must do the rest,” Mr. Jipping advises, adding, “Additional information-gathering by the FBI simply cannot provide anything that the process has not already uncovered and thoroughly examined. The mantra of ‘FBI investigation’ by Kavanaugh’s opponents is misleading in its purpose and has no validity.”

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