Monday, October 01, 2018

Instapundit Blog Archive VICTORY GIRLS: Facebook Blackout: I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the…

Instapundit Blog Archive  I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the…
Victory Girls Blog"VICTORY GIRLS: 
Facebook Blackout: I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the Virtual Burka Protest.
"...Look, I know a lot of women, especially young women, are lost, and are trying to navigate their lives in this utopia feminists call The Patriarchy. The feminists have told them lots of lies about how women are more limited than ever, how women are more targeted than ever, and how masculinity is more toxic than ever. But it’s just not true. Our society, in America, is more equal than ever, more accommodating than ever, and men are (sadly) more placid than ever.
See the source image
Women have never had so much opportunity and it is frustrating to see them set these self-imposed limitations. What is even more frustrating than the damage they do to themselves individually, is the damage they are doing to women’s place in the world generally. Feminists keep moving the goal posts so that they have new things to complain about, but if yesterday’s feminists were to look around and see the dynamics we have going on today, they probably would’ve been pretty impressed. . . .

Feminists wanted a sexual revolution, but come to find out they can’t handle it the morning after. They wanted women to be in the locker room, but come to find out they can’t handle a little rough talk. They wanted to be taken seriously, but come to find out they have made a mockery of themselves by presenting as fragile teenagers who need a chaperones and vocal coaches. Women need to take responsibility for themselves and quit blaming their shortcomings on men. Men have graciously moved out of the way, but please let’s not expect them to be doormats too.
You could make a pretty strong argument for bringing back the patriarchy, just based on feminist statements about how fragile and gullible women are.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

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