Monday, October 01, 2018

Kent State's 'West Side Story' canceled after complaints about 'incorrect' race castings - The College Fix

Kent State's 'West Side Story' canceled after complaints about 'incorrect' race castings - The College Fix
"The Kent State School of Theatre and Dance has chosen to cancel its production of “West Side Story” due to some students remaining dissatisfied with the production’s casting decisions.
Theater major Bridgett Martinez, of Puerto Rican heritage, apparently thought her ethnic background alone would get her the play’s lead role of Maria. 
See the source imageShe was disappointed that she was cast as Maria’s understudy, reports, but got really upset upon seeing the full cast list.
“I was just blown away because it was not correct at all,” she said.
“Not correct” means several non-Latino students had gotten traditional “Latino” roles in the classic musical, including the leads.
Another theater major, Viviana Cardenas, was irked a role she wanted had gone to a black student.
“I don’t get to tell other people’s stories because of the color of my skin, but yet when there is this story that is about people of cultures like me, about people of color like me, and that gets taken away from me … that was the most heartbreaking,” she said..."
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