Thursday, October 04, 2018

New Jersey Plans a Plastic-Banning Spree - Hit & Run :

Image result for big governmentNew Jersey Plans a Plastic-Banning Spree - Hit & Run :
"New Jersey is mulling a sweeping plastics ban aimed at reducing litter and changing lives.
Though billed as the toughest plastic prohibition in the country, the bill also includes a number of carve-outs and exemptions that weaken both its impact and the justification for legislative action.
"It requires New Jersey citizens to change their lifestyle," said bill sponsor State Sen. Bob Smith (D–Middlesex) according to

  • Smith's bill, SB 2776, would ban plastic bags, straws, and polystyrene foam food packaging in the state, and impose a ten-cent fee on replacement paper bags. 

First time violators would be hit with fines of $500, rising to $1,000 for a second offense, and $5,000 per offense from there on out.
As far as plastic bans go, Smith's proposal is pretty onerous..."
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