Friday, October 05, 2018

Relative Says Christine Blasey Ford Threw 'Witness' Leland Keyser 'Under the Bus'

Relative Says Christine Blasey Ford Threw 'Witness' Leland Keyser 'Under the Bus':

Image result for flickr commons images Christine Blasey FordLeland Keyser’s relative has accused Christine Blasey Ford of throwing her “witness” and lifelong friend–Keyser–“under the bus.” This family member also sounds skeptical of Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Ford, the woman whose accusations of sexual conduct have crumbled under scrutiny, claimed that Keyser, a lifelong friend since high school, would validate her allegation.
Instead, Keyser said in a statement that she not only does not remember the house party where the 1982 incident allegedly took place, but she also has never even met Kavanaugh.

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