Saturday, October 06, 2018

Russo nails it!-----Steve Russo - The Evil Creature Dianne Feinstein Threatens Lisa...

Steve Russo - The Evil Creature Dianne Feinstein Threatens Lisa...
"...These are two devastating tweets, and they are right on the money. 
Legitimizing and signing off on “the most despicable tactics ever,” is accepting unfounded and baseless claims against an innocent man and standing with Feinstein, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris — who is in a class by herself in mendacity and a number of other things. 

  • But more importantly, Lisa Murkowski has voted to leave Kavanaugh “subject to claims of perjury and impeachment,” and then leaving the court tied.
  • If he’s not confirmed, the court stays a 4-4 deadlock. 

The reason that matters is that if the court votes 4-4 on any case, then the decision prior to the court hearing, it is affirmed. 
Nothing changes. 

  • And that means that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals would be the highest ranking court that could make decisions regarding fundamental aspects of life in Alaska, her own home state. 

And to put the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals and a bunch of leftists in charge of those issues in her state? 
This is shooting herself in the foot, all to supposedly be in unison with the #MeToo movement. 

  • So much so, that Sarah Palin is threatening to run against her in 2022 for Senator of Alaska! 

Please Lord, make that happen!
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