Friday, October 05, 2018

School district sent child services after mother when she reported restroom assault by 'gender fluid' student - The College Fix

School district sent child services after mother when she reported restroom assault by 'gender fluid' student - The College Fix
"Falsely claimed federal law required the policy, months after guidance was rescinded!
The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is investigating a school district whose transgender restroom policy allegedly led to the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl.
In a Sept. 14 letter to Vernadette Broyles, the lawyer representing the unnamed student, the OCR’s Atlanta office said it would investigate Georgia’s Decatur City School District for whether it “failed to provide a prompt and equitable response” to the sexual-assault report, creating a “sexually hostile environment” for the girl.
As part of that inquiry, it will consider whether the transgender policy’s implementation “contributed to the creation” of a hostile environment for all girls.
The office is also investigating whether the school district retaliated against the girl’s mother for reporting the incident...

...According to the complaint, the gender-fluid boy entered the girls’ restroom at Oakhurst Elementary School in November 2017 when the girl was in there alone.
She had been excused from class to use the restroom, and he asked to be excused as well.
...As the girl walked out of a stall, the boy “pushed her against a wall, pushed his hand between her legs, and repeatedly felt and poked at her genitals, [REDACTED], while she struggled and called out for him to stop. 
No one came to help,” the complaint alleges. (Some parts are redacted.)
Administrators had been notified the boy was gender-fluid before the alleged assault, and kept the policy in place even after the incident, according to the complaint.
The girl told her mother, who then complained to school officials.
They refused to reassign the boy out of her daughter’s class, and even suggested removing the girl from the class.
One official said the boy was never questioned about the incident.
The school has also never offered “any counseling or other support services” to the girl.
Superintendent Dude has gone out of his way to avoid the girl’s mother, the complaint claims, and Principal Marcy Fowler falsely told her the school district was required by “federal mandate” to keep the policy in place – 10 months after the Trump administration rescinded the nonbinding guidance.
The most explosive allegation concerns the school district’s response to the mother’s complaint.
“[I]t appears that Oakhurst Elementary School leadership contacted the Georgia DFCS and reported
that a potential sexual assault had taken place in the school restroom, but inexplicably
identified [Mother] as the responsible party...”
A video made by the Alliance Defending Freedom identifies the mother as Pascha Thomas. The alliance identifies the girl by her initials, “N.T.”"
Read all.

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