Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Sexual Predators and Their Accomplices Go After Kavanaugh | Frontpage Mag

Sexual Predators and Their Accomplices Go After Kavanaugh | Frontpage Mag
"Hillary Clinton, the spouse of a serial sexual predator, did a tour of the morning shows to attack Republicans and Brett Kavanaugh.
On MSNBC, Clinton told Rachel Maddow that the benefit of the doubt belonged not to the accused, but the accuser.
In a smarmy chat session with Stephen Colbert, whose old boss and patron was just forced to resign for numerous counts of sexual harassment and at least one outright sexual assault, Hillary insisted on an FBI investigation.
"It would be very easy for the FBI to go back and finish the background investigation, to investigate these charges," insisted a woman who had described her own husband's accusers as "bimbo eruptions".
Juanita Broaddrick, who had accused Bill Clinton of raping her, also accused Hillary of threatening her.
Bill Clinton’s alleged assaults were not carried out in high school. 
But there will be no investigation of what a powerful politician did. 
There’s no interest among Democrats in revisiting the Clinton case. 
And yet Hillary’s hypocrisy in demanding an investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, despite her work covering up her husband’s victimization of women, is typical among the Democrats and their media allies..."
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