Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Steve Russo--Do you wanna know how accurate this cartoon is? Check out these headlines from the past 48 hours....

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Do you wanna know how accurate this cartoon is? 
Check out these headlines from the past 48 hours....

NY Slimes' Charles Blow Declares: "Liberals, This Is War"

Washington Post: Liberals Need To Stay Angry After Kavanaugh Confirmation

Failed Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton: Brett Kavanaugh Could Bring Back Slavery

No Bias... Google Exec Slams GOP Over Kavanaugh Nomination: ‘F–k. You. All. To. Hell’

Vile and Unfunny Sarah Silverman Wishes For Trump To Be ‘Held Down’ And ‘Violated’

Democrat's Latest Domestic Terrorist Wing, Antifa Blocks Portland Streets, Nearly Starts Riot, Threatens People, Attack Cars http://dailycaller.com/2018/10/08/antifa-protesters-portland-traffic-riot/

Leftist Who Kicked Pro-LIfe Protester Arrested, Charged With Multiple Counts Of Assault

Crazed Leftist Arrested During Minnesota Trump Rally; Could Face Federal Charges

NBC News Attacks “White Women” For “Enabling” Confirmation Of Brett Kavanaugh…

Minnesota Special Education Teacher On Leave After Tweeting ‘Kill Kavanaugh?’

Philly Teacher Accused Of Distributing Anti-Trump, Anti-GOP Fliers In School

Video Of Dancing Girl Harassing 71 Year-old Elderly Man On Supreme Court Steps Goes Viral. It Doesn’t End Well For Her https://www.dailywire.com/news/36840/video-dancing-girl-accosting-elderly-man-supreme-joseph-curl

Stephen Colbert ‘Late Show’ Writer: ‘I’m Just Glad We Ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s Life’

Watch As Leftists Freak Out, Claw At Supreme Court Doors Trying To Get In As Kavanaugh Is Sworn In

The Media Wants Brett Kavanaugh To Suffer Long After His Confirmation Is Over

Students At Savannah College Of Art And Design Demand Clarence Thomas’ Name Be Stripped From Building Where He Was Altar Boy https://www.kentucky.com/news/nation-world/national/article219543455.html

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