Wednesday, October 03, 2018

The Lickspittles' Tale | Unexamined Premises

The Lickspittles' Tale | Unexamined Premises
"Ask any reporter of my generation -- I got my first newspaper job in 1972 -- why he or she went into journalism and the answer is very likely to be: to change the world. 
Journalism was the default option if you didn't want to, or couldn't get into, law school, and it was viewed as a way to right wrongs by bringing them to public attention. 
See the source image...How times have changed. 
Today's reporters may still think they're helping save both the human race and the planet, but the context is now completely different. 
Unlike the older reporters, who generally had majored in the liberal arts in college and often drifted accidentally into journalism, they've been schooled in it, and not just in journalism but in the entire panoply of contemporary Leftist issues, including environmentalism, feminism, and the moral rightness of the Democrat Party, which they view as the locomotive of the civil-rights movement and thus forever on the side of the angels. 
They are not just reporters out for a story; they are in service to a Cause..."
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