Sunday, October 07, 2018

The lies and hate will continue. Be armed and shout the truth!-----Thoughts on Kavanaugh - Elliot Eisenberg

Thoughts on Kavanaugh 1. He has led an... - Elliot Eisenberg
"Thoughts on Kavanaugh
1. He has led an exemplary life. Athlete, top student, government service, lovely wife and religious children.
2. People who’ve done far less announced their opposition to Trump’s pick before Brett Kavanaugh was even named.
See the source image3. The “Social Justice Warrior” Crowd dug up Christine Baisly Ford, with her allegations she’d been pawed by him in high school, 37 years ago.
4. Chrissy’s story was destroyed by a sex crimes prosecutor. Not difficult since Chrissy couldn’t remember when or where the groping had occurred. None of the people she claimed to have been present would confirm. Her friend described being pressured by a former FBI agent to go along.
5. The anti-Brett narrative then changed to one in which Kavanaugh was against all victims.
6. The Dems now promise to run impeachment proceedings against the new SCOTUS Justice.
7. This from people who changed the rules to allow passage of so called Affordable Care Act in the Senate.
8. This from a Massachusetts Senator who rose to fame by declaring herself a Native American but declines to take dna test to confirm.
9. This from a party of people without the accomplishments or family of the nominee’s. Is Cory Booker a church going, community pillar with attractive children?
10. This from a party whose Hawaii senator tells American men to shut up.
11. This from people who threaten to publicly accost opponents, driving them from restaurants, gas stations, to scream over public debate.
12. This from people who have used the courts to ram through policies the electorate have never approved, ie, gay marriage and abortion.
13. Only possible because the electorate rose up to choose a leader from the outer boroughs of its largest city who knows how to fight."

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