Tuesday, October 09, 2018

The New Color Line at University of Texas - Minding The Campus

See the source imageThe New Color Line at University of Texas - Minding The Campus
"Civil rights leaders once dreamed of a day when Americans would be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, but today a different message is being spread at the University of Texas and other college campuses. 
“Diversity” means singling out certain races for special treatment.
UT’s extensive diversity bureaucracy effectively creates a separate education experience for “students of color,” with programs like the African American Male Research Initiative, the Black Student Leadership Institute,  the Black Male Education Research Collection, the John L. Warfield Center for African and African American Studies, and the African & African Diaspora Studies Department.
UT even has a taxpayer-funded research center, the innocuously-named Institute for Urban Policy Research & Analysis (IUPRA), that is focused on “social issues affecting Black communities in Texas.” 
Led by Kevin Cokley, IUPRA is listed as a branch of the Black Studies program at UT..."
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