Saturday, October 06, 2018

This explains much!-----Rush Limbaugh: Democrats afflicted by mental problem

Rush Limbaugh: Democrats afflicted by mental problem
"Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday explained why the left creates movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, and why they attack Supreme Court nominees like Brett Kavanaugh.
It’s because they have failed, and they insist on blaming someone else, he said.
In short, they have a mental problem.
See the source image“When you become a member of a victim group, you are admitting that you are a failure.
But you are admitting it isn’t your fault! 
It’s society’s at large or the cops or capitalism or religion or something.
When you become a victim, you are then signaling that you are owed. 
People need to give you something for all of the mistreatment that you have suffered,” Limbaugh told his listeners.
He quoted two other commentaries to support his statement.
One was from Jim Geraghty at National Review, who found, “The more time I spend covering politics, the more I’m convinced that a significant chunk of grassroots political activists aren’t really arguing about politics at all. 
These folks are actually grappling with personal psychological issues and projecting it onto the world of politics.

  • Every problem they had with a parent is projected onto authority figures.”

Geraghty continued:

  • “Every religious person who ever scolded them or made them feel guilty becomes the embodiment of organized religion and demonstrates its menace. 
  • Because they’ve had a bad experience with a member of a minority group, that experience reveals something sinister about every member of that minority group. 
  • The cop who wrote them a ticket instead of giving them a warning demonstrates the danger and corruption of law enforcement,” and can lead to Black Lives Matter..."

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