Sunday, October 07, 2018

This is art?-----Banksy and the ultimate prank - Bloomberg

Banksy and the ultimate prank - Bloomberg
Yes, the "prank" is odd. 
But look at what is considered, and handsomely rewarded, as art by our betters:

"...His latest prank rather overshadowed another intended highlight of Friday’s auction. 
Jenny Saville became the top living female artist at auction when her self-portrait, “Propped,” fetched 9.5 million pounds ($12.4 million).
Propped by Jenny Saville
source: Sotheby’s

The 7-foot-tall painting depicts a fleshy nude, perched on a stool and gazing in the mirror, scribbled with text. Completed in 1992, the work brought the U.K. artist international acclaim after it appeared on the front cover of the Times Saturday Review later that year. 
It was purchased by advertising mogul Charles Saatchi..."
Tom Wolfe nails it!
The Painted Word by Tom Wolfe

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