Monday, October 01, 2018

This Isn't About Brett Kavanaugh. This Is About the Left's Blood Sacrifice.

This Isn't About Brett Kavanaugh. This Is About the Left's Blood Sacrifice.:

Image result for flickr commons images Lady JusticeCriminals will go to great lengths to cover up a crime, or to prevent that crime from being brought into open court. The same goes for entire societies that have given themselves over to criminal behavior, as ours has. A people, a nation, a party, a faction, that has the blood-guilt of 60 million children on its hands, will certainly not stick at slandering a nominated jurist if that slander will successfully prevent a reckoning for the murders.
A society that is complicit in guilt of this magnitude cannot afford to honor Lady Justice. She is their sworn enemy. Due process is their adversary. An orderly weighing of evidence is the very last thing they can afford to allow. And so a society that will not repent of murdering the children is a society that must insist on murdering Lady Justice. There is a reason they hate that woman.

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