Trump and Republicans Appeal to Men with Fragile Masculinity, Researchers Find
"President Donald Trump appeals to men with fragile masculinity, two researchers from
New York University wrote in analysis published in The Washington Post.

They also said Republican candidates facing a Democrat drew more support in areas with higher levels of fragile masculinity in 2018 House races.
NYU Psychology professor Eric Knowles and doctoral student Sarah DiMuccio
queried 300 men on Amazon's
crowdsourcing platform Mechanical Turk to discover whether they had or would search for terms such as "erectile dysfunction," "how to get girls," "penis enlargement," "testosterone," and "Viagra," among others.
...The researchers also checked relations between
fragile masculinity and voting in 2008 and 2012, finding "that the correlation of fragile masculinity and voting in presidential elections was distinctively stronger in 2016" than it was when John McCain and Mitt Romney were Republican presidential candidates.
suggests that fragile masculinity has now become a stronger predictor of voting behavior."...
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