Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Judicial Watch Investigating "Ballot Harvesting" in California Where GOP Lost 7 of 14 House Seats AFTER ELECTION DAY

Judicial Watch Investigating "Ballot Harvesting" in California Where GOP Lost 7 of 14 House Seats AFTER ELECTION DAY
"Once again Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting.
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch is investigating “ballot harvesting,” a practice that is illegal in almost every state – in fact, Texas, New York and Pennsylvania arrest people for ballot harvesting.

“Judicial Watch is investigating “ballot harvesting” in CA where voter rolls are a mess. 
For instance, in Orange County, there are 350k “inactive” registered voters,” Tom Fitton said on Monday.
...The Communists Democrats in California quietly passed legislature in 2016 allowing ballot harvesting.
Very few people took notice when far left Governor Jerry Brown signed the changes in AB1921 into law two years ago..."
Read on.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Nobody should be allowed to vote, except in person, unless they're in the military. Even then, the votes should be carefully examined for fraud. Included should be a current photo ID, with an address in the district they are voting in.