Saturday, December 08, 2018

The Green Climate Deal | Watts Up With That?

The Green Climate Deal | Watts Up With That?
"I see that Ms. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Mr. Bernie Sanders are pushing something called a “Green New Deal”, so I thought I’d take a look. 
The Hill has a piece entitled Progressives say dire climate reports point to need for ‘Green New Deal’,  and the Atlantic magazine has an article on it headlined The Democratic Party Wants to Make Climate Policy Exciting
Make climate policy exciting? 
Here are the details of the wonderful green climate deal, right from the horse’s mouth … oh, wait, vegans say we can’t use animal metaphors. 
So here are the details of the deal, right from the orange’s navel … it has “Four Pillars”, and the first Pillar is their “Economic Bill of Rights”.
Hold your noses, put on your hip boots, we’re ready to wade in …
The Green New Deal begins with an Economic Bill of Rights that ensures all citizens:
1. The right to employment through a Full Employment Program that will create 25 million jobs by implementing a nationally funded, but locally controlled direct employment initiative replacing unemployment offices with local employment offices offering public sector jobs which are “stored” in job banks in order to take up any slack in private sector employment.
• Local communities will use a process of broad stakeholder input and democratic decisionmaking to fairly implement these programs.
• Pay-to-play prohibitions will ensure that campaign contributions or lobbying favors do not impact decision-making.
• We will end unemployment in America once and for all by guaranteeing a job at a living wage for every American willing and able to work.
End unemployment in America? 
Create 25 million taxpayer-funded positions?
...median household income is $62,000, so on average, each household will have to pony up $12,000 to employ those 25 million people..."
Read all.
It get worse.
Waaay worse.

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