Monday, December 03, 2018

Worthy read-----I was saddened and completely discouraged upon... - Michelle Slikkers

I was saddened and completely discouraged upon... - Michelle Slikkers

"I was saddened and completely discouraged upon reading a newspaper report that a black woman found a noose hanging above her workstation at a local company. How could such horrible people still exist in our society and why would they so blatantly seek to frighten another human being in a throwback to one of the worst periods in American history? While doing some reading earlier today, I came across another side of the story. While I’m sure the case is being thoroughly investigated by said company, I thought I’d share this with you because of the importance of making sure all sides are heard and because I tire of the victim mentality that seems to thrive in our society. I’ve redacted the writer’s name because I don’t know the parties personally.
“Hi, I'm ___________ and I work for Request Foods.
This wasn't even about her. 

  • The people who did it aren't even aware of America's past with black people and nooses, they were throwing pens through it because they were bored. 
  • This is not the first time she's made a big deal out of nothing and claimed it to be about race. 

No one here even had any issues with her lol the only problems she has had are with the supervisors and bosses for texting instead of working.
Okay but I work with her and this happened less than 24 hours ago and the people who put it up don't even know she exists and are from a different shift. I literally just got pulled into the office about it. The people who made it are Hispanic people who had to be explained what a noose even was.

  • Less than two months ago she almost quit because we work with food and a quality control BOSS wrote her up for being on her phone and letting food fly off the belt for over 5 minutes and she went around telling everyone she didnt feel safe here and people were out to get her.
Oh and it wasnt above her spot. We all rotate and the line gets moved around depending on what product we run and where it was hung didnt have a spot last night on either product that we ran.
And for the biggest thing if no one knows, this object was no bigger than maybe a bracelet, someone would have trouble putting their fore arm through it, let alone their head or neck.

  • She says that she was so upset that she stayed in her car on break, but she does that every single day. She has sat in the breakroom on breaks one time (maybe 2) in the past year.
I was one of the people who found it, along with an operator and the lady in the article. She makes it sound like it was in attack to her but it was all blown out of proportion. I hope she got her 15 minutes of fame and interrupted progress in a real cause just to get attention.”

HOLLAND TWP. — During her shift at Request Foods in Holland Township 

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