Sunday, January 06, 2019

When Do Legal Immigrants Get to 'Speak Out'?

When Do Legal Immigrants Get to 'Speak Out'?

Image result for flickr commons images american flagHow do I feel when the media play this up and cry "racism"?
I feel many things.  Primarily, I feel angry.  To call us all "immigrants" with no distinctions demeans everyone.  It disregards the incredible sacrifices people make to follow the rules in good faith.  People who come legally do so because they know the harm caused by secrets, lazy shortcuts, sloppy decisions.  People who come legally know that it is a ponderous decision to leave one land and join another.  Leftists will say my family is "rich," but that's silly.  Poverty at different times was part our stories.
Liberals who talk about illegal immigration have never, in my experience, wanted to listen to people who followed the rules to come here.

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