"When we were teenagers, a smart childhood friend taught me how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism.
I did not understand at the time what this word meant, other than it was just anti-something, and that generally worked for a teenager.
...In that article, Mr. Hunt went on to say the current-day establishmentarians are the progressive liberals pushing more government controls and higher taxes, and the disestablishmentarians are the current-day Tea Party agitators.
...Mr. Hunt concluded in 2010 that the Tea Partiers were disestablishmentarians, much like our nation's founders.
Fast-forward to the present day...
The present-day liberals and progressives openly attack anything relating to the founding of this country, in an effort to aggregate enough votes to elect persons who will then secretly make changes to our laws, courts, and institutions.
Examples of the present-day antidisestablishmentarianism include:
- Openly attacking all white men as if they are guilty for being white men.
- Openly attacking established religions, including Catholics, Jews, and Protestants.
- Openly opposing our military and policies that protect our borders and the safety of our citizens.
- Openly opposing free enterprise and the freedoms to create success and wealth.
- Openly opposing the teaching of our country's founding history.
- Openly opposing the right to bear arms and working to restrict people from having guns that can protect them from evildoers.
- Openly opposing past successful learning regimens and policies in our public schools, creating the present downfall in public education.
- Openly promoting universal health care and higher education, without considering how these "free" services are to be funded.
- Openly promoting unlimited immigration and not requiring new immigrants to learn English or to abide by existing U.S. laws.
- Openly promoting false reporting in support of specific ideologies.
These recent actions do not appear to be promoting policies that would improve our free society..."
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