Tuesday, February 12, 2019

"Apparently teaching 9 year-olds about sodomy doesn't seem weird to them."

Colorado Women For Trump
"Sex Ed in Colorado: HB19-1032 is EXTREME. 
Little wonder. 
It's being advanced by LGBT activists and Planned Parenthood.
Image result for teaching sex ed 9 year-olds about sodomyThe activists of the LGBT "community" here and elsewhere in the country seek to inculcate the idea that all forms of sexual expression are of equal value. 
To do that they need access to children at ever-earlier ages. 
Apparently teaching 9 year-olds about sodomy (instead of teaching them to read and write in cursive, for instance) doesn't seem weird to them.
Planned Parenthood is an organization that has a profit interest in the premature sexualization of children and the promotion of sexual promiscuity
Is this organization the best choice of influence on the formation character? 
Not so much.
1. Begins sex-ed in the 4th grade
2. Adds the "relational experiences" of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transsexual people to the curriculum
3. Forbids the teaching of Abstinence-Only curriculum
4. Forbids discussion of morality informed by religion in addressing the material..."
Read all!

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