Saturday, February 16, 2019

Bullet Train: Could California's Doomed Project Fund Trump's Border Wall? | Investor's Business Daily

Bullet Train: Could California's Doomed Project Fund Trump's Border Wall? | Investor's Business Daily:

Image result for flickr commons images Gov. NewsomSo, Newsom plans to dump another $7.6 billion — on top of the $3 billion the state has already spent — over the next three years to build a 119-mile high-speed rail that goes from nowhere, to nowhere.
As Republican state Sen. Jim Nielsen aptly observed: "We're going to put more billions into a train in a place where there is no ridership and no freight will be hauled. What economy is that going to improve in the Central Valley? "
Newsom's reason for keeping this zombie infrastructure project going makes even less sense.
"Abandoning high-speed rail entirely," he says, "means we will have wasted billions of dollars with nothing but broken promises and lawsuits to show for it."
So, he wants to waste billions more just to save face?

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