"Asked to compare and contrast President Trump with his predecessor as to why everything Trump does is met with gnashing of teeth and rending of hair from the Democrats, I came up with this:
- Obama enacted uncivil policies civilly.
- Trump enacts civil policies uncivilly.
It is hard to argue (although many will) that Obama's two terms were beneficial to America and then argue that Trump's have been harmful, especially given the metrics.
Like them or not, Trump's policies have been all about putting the American people first - all of them - rich and poor, whatever race, creed or color.
There are far too many people in America today who will willingly accept a knife shoved in their chest as long as their attacker smiles, speaks calmly, softly tells them how great death is for them and if they will just stop struggling, death will bring peace.
Given the 2020 Democrats are now indistinguishable from the Communist Party USA and their bright ideas are as fresh and new as Karl Marx's moldering corpse, the 2020 choice is shaping up to be one between protecting the right for each individual to make their own choices or empowering a unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy to choose for everyone.
The former allows America to continue, from the latter, there is no way back.
Progressivism (or whatever you want to call the current form of collectivism), once begun is impossible to stop.
It is the black mold of ideologies.
Our flirting with socialism isn't a recent event, it is based on policies dating back to the days of Teddy Roosevelt, policies, programs and ideas that have never died.
Holy crap, people.
Read a book - I recommend either "Atlas Shrugged" or "The Road to Serfdom".
Better yet, read it and give it to a young Democrat.
The kiddies (and the mentally immature adults) are not only building a gilded prison of their own design, they are seeking life sentences for the rest of us.
Various economic and governing philosophies have come and gone with varying degrees of success over the millennia - but there is one with a perfect record.
That would be coercive collectivism (in the form of socialism, Marxism or communism) - that one has failed every single time it has been tried.
Every single time."
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