Tuesday, February 12, 2019

It's Time to Rise Up and Defeat the Socialist Left - The Rush Limbaugh Show

It's Time to Rise Up and Defeat the Socialist Left - The Rush Limbaugh Show:

Image result for flickr commons images baby hands“You gotta get rid of abortion! You gotta…” And every time it happened — be it on a golf course, I don’t care where — I would say to them, “If we don’t get a handle on this, it’s gonna get to the point someday where we’re gonna be killing anybody who is inconvenient, not just babies.  If we don’t stand up for life… You’ve gotta stop looking at this as some sort of Religious Right issue and thinking you can’t be part of it because you don’t want to be lumped in with a bunch of Christians or a bunch of religious zealots in your mind.
“This is about the fundamental thing we all only have one of, and it’s a life, and we have a political party which is pushing every day for the right to kill whoever they think is inconvenient — and they’re gonna do it one way or the other. They’re gonna do it with law. They’re gonna do it with health care,” and every time I would point this out, they would pooh-pooh me and say that I was being paranoid and irrational, and abortion was a standalone issue that didn’t have any growth features.  It just was what it was.

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