Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mark Penn: To get Trump, FBI and Justice Department officials trampled the Constitution | Fox News

Mark Penn: To get Trump, FBI and Justice Department officials trampled the Constitution | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images fbi logoThe most egregious anti-democratic actions ever taken by the what can now fairly be called the Deep State are confirmed with the publication of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s new book detailing how the FBI and Justice Department plotted to remove President Trump from office for firing FBI Director James Comey.
Justice Department and FBI officials spied on U.S. citizens with false warrants, gave a pass to one presidential campaign with a predetermined investigation, investigated another political campaign on the basis of no verified evidence, and illegally leaked information on investigations. They discussed wiretapping and using the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to remove President Trump, and appointed a special counsel as a retaliatory move for Comey’s firing.

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