Friday, February 08, 2019

Moore’s Law is dying. Here’s how AI is bringing it back to life!

Moore’s Law is dying. Here’s how AI is bringing it back to life!:
"Moore’s Law, one of the fundamental laws indicating the exponential progress in the tech industry, especially electronic engineering, has been slowing down lately (since 2005, to be more precise), and has led many in this sector to believe this law to no longer hold true.
That was, until Artificial Intelligence joined the arena!
Since then, the game changed, and Moore’s law is slowly being revived.
...Right there, Artificial Intelligence is imposing a constraint: keep the power constant or decrease it, but increase performance…
...Exactly, by forcing the tech industry to come up with new processors which can perform more calculations per unit time, while maintaining power consumption and price, Artificial Intelligence is imposing Dennard Scaling again, and hence forcing Moore’s Law back to life!"
Read on!

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