- When conventional media bias won't do the trick.
No matter how many times, for instance, you quote the plain language of the Virginia or New York abortion bills, they won’t acknowledge that both legalize the procedure until the moment of birth for virtually any reason.
No matter how many times you show them language in those bills that protect doctors who terminate babies who are born alive from prosecution, they shake their heads as if you’re indulging in some right-wing conspiracy theory.
No matter how many times you provide them with data that shows more than 15,000 abortions of viable babies being performed every year––most, if not all, having nothing to do with “saving the mother’s life”––they say “no.” (I’ve experienced it personally.)
- During President Trump’s speech in El Paso yesterday, a Vox writer feigned indignation and claimed that “Trump falsely accuses Ralph Northam” of saying the governor supports “a newborn baby [coming] out into the world, and wrap the baby, make the baby comfortable, and then talk to the mother and talk to the father and then execute the baby. Execute the baby!”
- Maggie Haberman, a White House correspondent for The New York Times, retweeted the claim to her million followers. To put this in perspective, Haberman’s following on Twitter is nearly as large as the Times’ daily weekday circulation.
...The same game is being played with the Green New Deal proposal..."
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