Thursday, February 14, 2019

So much here but especially note the contempt, for anyone religious ("holy rollers"), shown by the "journalist"----- Whitmer signs directive prohibiting LGBTQ discrimination on religious grounds | News Hits

See the source imageWhitmer signs directive prohibiting LGBTQ discrimination on religious grounds | News Hits
"Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Monday signed an executive directive that will help protect the LGBTQ community from discrimination in state employment and contracting.
A similar December directive issued by then-Gov. Rick Snyder barred state contractors from discriminating against gay or transgender employees, but included a "religious freedom" exemption that allowed churches and other religious organizations to discriminate.
Whitmer's directive — which she signed at Affirmations, an LGBTQ center in Ferndale —  requires holy rollers to follow the same rules.
In a press release, state Sen. Jeremy Moss — Michigan's first openly gay senator — outlined what the directive does. include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression — which will now be consistent with the action taken by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission in May 2017.
If we're going to attract the talented workforce our businesses need to create jobs and grow our economy, then we’ve got to get on the right side of history,” Whitmer said in a news release. “That’s what this executive directive is all about."
In his release, Moss said the legislature still has work to do "to ensure full equality for the entire LGBT community."

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