Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Trouble With Solar | Power Line

The Trouble With Solar | Power Line
"The Democrats’ Green New Socialism proposes blanketing the U.S. with solar panels and wind turbines so as to replace all reliable forms of power generation with unreliable, intermittent sources. 
Everyone knows that solar panels don’t produce electricity at night, but there is another problem: they don’t produce electricity when it snows, either.
A friend took this photo and wrote:
I was up in Ramsey [Minnesota] picking up my camper, and next door is this fantastic $30,000,000 brand-new solar installation. 
Doesn’t look like they’re making much electricity today, but it sure is going to make for good union jobs clearing the snow off these things.
Do they try to clear the snow off? 
I don’t know. 
It would be a massive undertaking and would add to the absurd inefficiency of solar power.
As is too seldom pointed out, one of the worst features of both solar and wind energy is that they are terrible for the environment..."
Read all.

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