Sunday, February 17, 2019

"Vote for me and I will use the power of government to take stuff from others and give it to you."---Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith
"So far, all of the Democrat candidates (and presumptive candidates) are offering up different flavors of the same trope always pushed by Democrats. 
They range from the absurd to the merely incredulous - but as always, have one central, unifying theme.
More government.

24/7/365 and in every aspect of your life.
This year is unique in that most of the big name candidates are running to the left of where Bernie Sanders was last cycle (although they are probably where Bern really was since he came toward the center to run against Hillary).
Their message, distilled to its essence, is this "Vote for me and I will use the power of government to take stuff from others and give it to you."
Might as well be "From those according to their ability to those according to their need (or in today's terms - their wants and desires).
I've never seen President Trump as a conservative. 
He is a populist who sees conservative policies as the right route for America, but cast against the current slate of communists calling themselves Democrats, he might as well be Barry Goldwater."

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