Monday, February 04, 2019

Who are the SCIENCE Deniers? | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative

Who are the SCIENCE Deniers? | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
  • On Climate:
People who use fear to generate political capital claim that global warming is dangerous and is primarily caused by human emissions of CO2.

The solution, they claim, is to authorize a central world authority with the power to regulate humanity’s “carbon footprint.” 
Both premises on which they base this outlandish proposal are observably false.
Both premises DENY key scientific EVIDENCE of a naturally-occurring pattern of global climate fluctuation observable in the fossil record...

  • On Human Reproduction:
People who pander to the notion that sex should be free of lasting consequence claim that a human fetus is an expendable part of a woman’s own anatomy until a child is born alive.
This plainly false statement DENIES the observable reality which modern technology has recently made so visible to the general public...

  • On Human Sexuality:
People who generate political capital using the strategy of identity politics have added an array of sexuality-related “identities” to the ones on which the strategy has typically been deployed: races, skin-colors, ethnicities, languages and other categorical factors. The result of identity politics is, of course, the establishment of “protected classes” – In direct opposition to our 14th amendment; and a nearly unlimited authorization of force in pursuit of social engineering...

Every victory for those who deny observable reality results in more power in government hands; power to use in ever-more corrupt ways. 
Why is that so?
When the physical reality to which we’d otherwise refer in common is denied, the version of “reality” that then prevails is determined by those in power.
We are no longer equals in observation of even the most fundamental reality.
Might makes right."
Read all!

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