Sunday, March 10, 2019

Anti-Semitism & socialism: Peas in a poison pod - WND

Anti-Semitism & socialism: Peas in a poison pod - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images Carl MarxIlhan Omar did not need to read Marx. The vile slurs she peddles have stalked Jews long before Marx dressed them up in an intellectually respectable costume of political-economy. A recent survey found anti-Semitism is rampant among Muslims. Tellingly, the most popular anti-Semitic myth in sub-Saharan Africa – Omar’s place of birth – is “Jews are more loyal to Israel than the country they live in.”
Ilhan Omar is a garden variety anti-Semite. Those who refuse to say so are being willfully ignorant. Her type is easily recognizable.
The biggest villains in the recent spectacle are not Omar and her cheerleading squad.
It’s the Democratic leaders who have let the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy be hijacked by socialists and anti-Semites.
And it’s no accident the hijackers came on board together.

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